Sunday, October 25, 2009

"This is it"

I think that Michael Jackson was a wonderful person, dancer and singer. In the video clip it shows his true talents with singing, dancing and writing songs. He was a legend, the true king of pop and was a great loss to us. I think the dance moves that he was teaching the other people was good. It seemed to really correspond to the beat of the music. And I loved the background at the part of the clip with the army of people in all black. No other artist can compare, reach his heights when dealing with music. He was truly a gift from god. If you want to see the amazing video i saw click here.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Picture

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mixed Culture

I am a United States born person but I am also West Indian/Caribbean. I was born in America but my family was not. My mother is from Aruba and lived in St. Martin for many years. Because she lived in St.Martin she can speak dutch. My grandfather was born in Dominican Republic. My father is from Barbados. Many people in my family speak Spanish so I consider myself Caribbean/West Indian and Hispanic. Once again I was born in American but I don't think I am American.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sports 2

I also play other sports like badminton. Badminton is like tennis but they have there differences. Badminton uses a racket and a birdie. The point of the game is to hit the birdie over the net and let it land on your opponents space, after doing that you get a point. Badminton is very fun and also a good exercise. I thought it would be hard but it is actually very easy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I like to play all sports. I just have my favorites and my least favorites. One of my favorites is football. I know it seems like a boy sport but i enjoy playing it. I don't play tackle football, i play 2-hand touch. I can run fast, throw and catch a ball so football is a good sport for me. It is also a good exercise. I don't like the equipment you have to wear but i still like the game. I play football with my brothers, uncle, cousins and friends. People should know that certain sports aren't only for only boys.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I LOVE SHOPPING!!!.........I will shop for anything because when i go shopping i end up getting something totally different. I like colorful clothes, it is uplifting to me, it makes a statement, proves a point and a big attention grabber. I can wear and color and add something colorful and make it work. I like sneakers, flats, sandals and boots for foot wear. I love tea shirts that say things on them like quotes or jokes. I like skinny jeans of any kind (ripped, distressed, color, washout). I have a big wardrobe and i try to mix and match my clothes. Once again I LOVE SHOPPING and i will die without being able to shop for a long time. If you want to know where i shop most click here.


I love Pennsylvania, its like a safer Brooklyn. My aunt, uncle and cousins live in PA. When we go there, we do a lot of things and have a lot of fun. We go to the movies, go bowling, skating, amusement parks and just spend time together. We are a real family. Pennsylvania has everything Brooklyn has and more and it it safer. There is malls, fast food restaurants etc. There are no people roaming the streets because every bodies in cars and houses are far from each other. I think there are apartments there but they are NOT right next to each other. There are things i Love about Brooklyn but from this angle PA looks way better.


I am Methodist. I used to go to church every Sunday but now i go to church occasionally. Methodism was founded by a minister of the Church of England named John Wesley, who adopted a set of methods or disciplines by which Christians can improve their living of the Christian Faith. Principle among these disciplines in Methodism is the participation in, and receiving of, the "Means of Grace" in the form of the Sacraments (Baptism and Holy Communion), as well as in Prayer, the reading of Scripture, fellowship with other Christians, forgiveness, healing, etc. In my opinion i don't like to pray.......i'm only a 14.....but at times it does bring me peace. We have many similarities between other religion but the main one is that we all praise or believe in god.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Upstate New York

I went upstate twice. Both times were for a program called stem. It was like college, we lived in dorms, had classes (FUN CLASSES) and parties. The teachers were always nice and helpful and we learned while we had fun. The dorm rooms had to be shared with a roommate and we had to share the bathroom with two other girls across the hall. We had a party on a Friday celebrating the official end of the week. Even though it was only a week i got home sick and later on started to really have fun. The counselors were like mentors and you could talk to them about anything. We also did a lot of activities such as ice skating, playing sports, and experiments. It was a great experience and i would do it again any day.


My goal is to be the best of the best of the best and so on. I want to achieve academic greatness and i believe that i can do that. I know it takes a lot of hard work and determination but i am confident that i can do it. I want to graduate from high school with an Honors Diploma, college credits and many college varieties and opportunities. For all of this to happen i need to do all of my work and keep up my grades. I value my education very much because it seems like the only way to succeed in life. I feel that education is the gateway to success and that's how i plan on succeeding.


I love to dance even though i am shy and timid around people i don't know, when i finally do dance i am a show stopper. This trait comes from my mother and is also very natural. I never attended dance lessons but i was in dance class. I can dance to any kind of music, once i get the steps down i can incorporate my own style into it. The music i dance to most often is hip-hop or RnB but i know how to dance to reggaeton and other spanish music. I love dancing and i will never stop.


I like to sing but unfortunately it does not seem like something i would want to pursue as a career. When i sing its just for fun and i don't see myself doing it professionally in the future. However, when i sing it fills me up, and its an amazing feeling. I do know how to carry a note but i have never had professional training. I never really had to try to sing, when i sang it just came naturally. I inherited this trait from my father. Maybe one day i will sing in front of a crowd but for now i am happy with singing in front of friends and family.

Monday, October 05, 2009

"Knowledge talks, Wisdom listens"

This quote means a lot to me.......I don't know who it is by but i love it. In a way it doesn't make sense and in a way it makes perfect sense. I think it means that if your very talkative, you are knowledgeable however it takes wisdom to listen. Listening is a passive activity that is a mental process which involves paying close attention to and making sense of what is heard. I think i am in between, I am knowledgeable but also wise based upon experience. I love this quote because it embodies everything I am, everything i will be and everything I stand for.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

"Tears of a tiger"

I love to read especially if the book is interesting and engaging however i don't read too often. I think it is because i don't find good books. Finally, i found this book called tears of a tiger. It seemed very compelling and i wanted to find out. I started reading the book and i was so shocked at what happened in the book from the start and from then on i could not stop reading it until i was finished. Tears of a Tiger is about a boy named Andrew Jackson who killed his best friend in a car accident while driving while drunk. After the accident there were moments of relief but overall he was in such a depression that driven him to kill himself. After finishing the book i felt accomplished but sad that the suspense in the book was over. Over time Sharon M. Draper became my favorite author and i love her books. It is people like her that inspire me to read.